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Alaska Federal Judge Steps Down Following Allegations of Sexual Harassment

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Federal Judge in Alaska Resigns Amid Misconduct Allegations

A federal judge in Alaska, Joshua M. Kindred, has resigned from his position after investigators found that he had been abusive to his law clerks and engaged in an “inappropriately sexualized relationship” with one of them. The judicial report released on Monday detailed the disturbing behavior that led to his resignation.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit revealed that Judge Kindred had created a hostile and sexualized work environment in his chambers. Investigators found that he had sexually harassed one clerk, exchanging hundreds of text messages with her that were unrelated to her official duties. After her clerkship ended, he met her for drinks and then took her back to his chambers, where he kissed her.

During a second encounter, the report stated that Judge Kindred performed oral sex on the clerk in a friend’s apartment. The clerk later recounted feeling powerless in the situation and was told by Judge Kindred to “keep your head down and shut up.” When confronted by the committee, Judge Kindred initially denied any physical or sexual interactions with the clerk but later admitted to lying under oath.

The investigation into Judge Kindred’s actions will now be reviewed by the Judicial Conference, the national policymaking body of the federal courts. Despite his resignation, grounds for impeachment could still be reported to Congress.

Alaska’s senators expressed disappointment at Judge Kindred’s actions, with Senator Lisa Murkowski stating that judges need to be held to the highest standards and that Judge Kindred fell short of that mark. The Ninth Circuit’s decision to ask for Judge Kindred’s resignation was praised by former law clerk Aliza Shatzman, who called for more sweeping reforms to prevent similar misconduct in the future.

The resignation of a federal judge is rare, as they serve lifetime appointments. Judge Kindred’s case highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and respect in the workplace, especially in positions of power and authority.

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