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Adults and teenagers choose basic phones to reduce social media dependence

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The Trend of Ditching Smartphones for “Dumbphones” Gains Momentum

In a world where smartphones have become an integral part of daily life, a growing number of adults and teens are opting to trade in their high-tech devices for simpler, more basic models known as “dumbphones.”

Buried deep within the settings of many smartphones is the option to track screen time, revealing just how much time individuals spend staring at their screens each day. For some, this realization has sparked concerns about the addictive nature of social media and the negative impact it can have on mental health.

Sixteen-year-old Luke Martin from Canada shared his experience with the BBC, explaining how social media fueled his fear of missing out and led to a downward spiral of excessive screen time. Luke is not alone in his struggle, as studies have shown that social networking sites can trigger the same addictive responses in the brain as substances.

In response to these concerns, some individuals are choosing to switch to “dumbphones” that offer limited features such as calls, texts, and maps. By simplifying their devices, users like Luke have been able to drastically reduce their screen time and regain control over their technology usage.

Parents are also embracing the trend of dumbphones, with some opting to provide their children with basic devices to limit internet access and promote more quality time with family. Sales of dumbphones have been on the rise in North America, as more parents seek low-tech alternatives for their children’s first phones.

While giving up smartphones may seem like a simple solution, the reality is more complex. Some schools require specific apps, and peer pressure can make it difficult for children to resist the allure of expensive smartphones. However, innovative solutions like the “unpluq” device, which blocks certain apps wirelessly, offer a way for parents to monitor and control smartphone usage.

Companies like Techless have also developed intentionally boring devices like the “Wisephone II” to cater to users seeking a more mindful approach to technology. With limited features and a sleek design, these phones offer a peaceful and tranquil alternative to the constant distractions of social media.

As the trend of ditching smartphones for dumbphones continues to gain momentum, individuals like Luke are finding that the switch has brought them to a better place mentally and emotionally. While some may view the choice as unconventional, for many, it represents a much-needed break from the pressures of constant connectivity and a return to a simpler way of life.

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