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Adapting to War: How a Russian City Utilizes Blast Shelters and Drone Jamming

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Title: Life in Belgorod: Living in Fear Amidst War

As Alina waited for the bus to take her to her family’s weekend house outside Belgorod, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. It had been nearly six months since she and her brother, Artem, narrowly escaped injury in an attack on Belgorod’s central square. Since then, the city has been on edge, with residents constantly living in fear of further violence.

The aftermath of the attack has left a lasting impact on Alina and her family. Her mother, Nataliya, described how Alina suffered from panic attacks and anxiety in the months that followed. The trauma of that day still lingers, and the family now takes extra precautions to ensure their safety, such as waiting deep inside concrete shelters at bus stops.

Belgorod, once deeply tied to Ukraine, now finds itself on the front lines of the conflict. The city’s large central square sits mostly empty, guarded by security forces and surrounded by concrete shelters. Residents, who live within range of Ukrainian artillery, feel like they are under constant threat.

The ongoing war has taken a toll on the city, with at least 190 people losing their lives since the conflict began. The sound of air raid sirens and explosions has become a daily occurrence, forcing residents to seek shelter in the concrete bunkers scattered throughout the city.

Despite the hardships they face, the people of Belgorod remain resilient. Farmers have adapted to the state of war, outfitting their tractors with netting to ward off drones. Families have been torn apart, with many having to come to terms with the life-altering consequences of the conflict.

As tensions continue to rise, residents like Nataliya worry about the long-term effects of the war on children. Urgent calls for peace talks echo through the city, as residents yearn for an end to the violence and uncertainty that has plagued their lives.

In the midst of chaos and fear, the people of Belgorod remain hopeful for a brighter future, where they can once again live without the constant threat of war looming over their heads.

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