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A California Retiree is Helping Afghan Women Learn to Drive

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Title: Retired Professor Becomes Lifeline for Afghan Women Learning to Drive in California

In Modesto, California, retired professor Gil Howard has found a new calling as a driving instructor for Afghan women seeking to learn how to drive. In a country where driving is off-limits for most women in Afghanistan, Mr. Howard has become a go-to teacher for the 5,000-strong Afghan community in the area.

With over 400 women taught by Mr. Howard in recent years, he has become a driving force in helping Afghan women assimilate and gain independence in their new home. Many Afghan immigrants see driving as a lifeline, especially in cities with limited public transportation.

For these women, learning to drive is not about gender equality or empowerment, but simply about being able to get from point A to point B. The ability to drive means freedom and the opportunity to take care of their families and run errands without relying on others.

Mr. Howard’s dedication to teaching Afghan women how to drive has made a significant impact on their lives. His simple teaching methods and patience have helped these women overcome cultural and language barriers to become confident drivers.

As the Afghan community in the United States continues to grow, Mr. Howard’s services are in high demand. His selfless dedication to helping these women navigate their new lives in America through driving lessons has earned him the title of “angel” among his students.

Through Mr. Howard’s efforts, Afghan women in Modesto are gaining the skills and independence they need to thrive in their new home. His impact goes beyond teaching them how to drive – he is empowering these women to take control of their own lives and futures.

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