John Krasinski’s latest film, “IF,” is a heartwarming tale that brings to life a world where imaginary friends long to be remembered by their now-grown BFFs. The story follows a young girl named Bea, played by Cailey Fleming, who can see all of these imaginary friends in Brooklyn, including a grizzly-sized purple goon named Blue voiced by Steve Carell.
The Memory Lane Retirement Community underneath Coney Island is filled with a colorful cast of characters, from a pink alligator to a superhero dog, all longing for their former companions to remember them. With celebrity cameos like Maya Rudolph, Sam Rockwell, and George Clooney, the film is a whimsical journey through the power of imagination.
Despite the slim plot, which follows Bea as she helps a cranky man named Cal, played by Ryan Reynolds, play matchmaker for the lonely IFs, the film is a delightful exploration of friendship and nostalgia. Krasinski’s imagination shines through in the film, creating a world where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred.
While the film may be predictable for older audiences, it is a charming and visually stunning experience for children. With beautiful cinematography and a touching musical number set to Tina Turner’s “Better Be Good to Me,” “IF” is a film that aims to be remembered long after its opening weekend.
Overall, “IF” is a sweet and sentimental film that reminds us of the power of imagination and the importance of friendship. With its star-studded cast and whimsical storyline, it is sure to capture the hearts of audiences of all ages.