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Should You Keep Photos of Your Ex on Instagram After a Breakup?

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Title: Navigating the Instagram Grid After a Breakup: What to Do with Your Ex’s Footprints

In the age of social media, breaking up is not just about moving on emotionally, but also about managing your online presence. The question of what to do with your ex’s footprints on Instagram after a breakup is a common dilemma faced by many.

Some, like Averee Conkle, choose to delete every trace of their ex from their Instagram page. For Averee, it’s about moving on and keeping her feed filled with images of people who still mean a lot to her. On the other hand, some, like author Ashley C. Ford, prefer to leave the posts up as a record of their past relationships and experiences.

The decision to keep or remove your ex from your Instagram grid can signal different things to potential suitors. Some may see it as a sign that you’re still processing the breakup, while others may view it as a reflection of how the relationship ended on good terms.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Whether you choose to delete, archive, or leave the posts up, it’s important to remember that there’s no right or wrong move. What matters most is how you feel about the situation and what helps you in your healing journey.

As Ashley C. Ford wisely puts it, the end of a relationship should not be a source of shame. It’s a part of life, and it’s okay to acknowledge and remember the love and experiences you shared, even if they didn’t work out in the end.

So, as you navigate the post-breakup Instagram grid, remember to prioritize your own feelings and do what feels right for you. And if you need support or advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or even a therapist for guidance.

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