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Ukrainian Draft Dodgers Resort to Running and Swimming to Evade War

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Title: Ukrainian Men Risk Treacherous River Crossing to Avoid Military Draft

In a desperate attempt to avoid the military draft and reunite with their families, Ukrainian men are risking their lives by swimming across the hazardous Tysa River, which forms the border with Romania.

Despite the dangers posed by the roiling water, steep banks, and hidden boulders, Ukrainian border guards have been detaining men attempting to make the dangerous crossing. Lt. Vladyslav Tonkoshtan recently apprehended a man who was preparing to swim across the river in hopes of escaping the draft and reuniting with his family.

The increasing number of Ukrainian men opting to risk the treacherous swim rather than face the brutal warfare on the eastern front highlights the challenges faced by President Volodymyr Zelensky in mobilizing fresh troops after years of intense conflict with Russia.

With Russia gaining ground on the battlefield, Ukraine’s ability to defend itself hinges on replenishing its arsenal and mobilizing troops. However, recruiting more men has proven to be difficult, leading to the passing of a law to expand the draft and stiffen penalties for draft dodging.

The shortage of soldiers in Ukraine has become critical, with Ukrainian forces being outnumbered by Russians in certain sections of the front. Many men who volunteered at the start of the war have been fighting continuously, with no defined release date from their obligation to serve.

As draft dodging becomes more prevalent, men are seeking alternative routes to escape the draft, including crossing into European countries or using counterfeit documents to slip through border checkpoints. The rise in draft dodgers has shifted the nature of smuggling in the region, with criminal gangs now focusing on guiding men out of the country.

Despite efforts by border guards to prevent illegal crossings, the flow of draft dodgers continues, driven by the looming specter of war and the desire to avoid the high risks of combat. The dangerous attempts to avoid the draft have resulted in tragic fatalities, earning the Tysa River the grim nickname “Death River.”

The harrowing stories of men risking their lives to avoid the draft underscore the dire situation faced by many Ukrainian families and the ongoing challenges in mobilizing troops to defend the country.

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