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Study finds significant increase in problematic social media use among teenagers

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The use of social media among young people has seen a significant increase since the start of the pandemic, according to a major international study. Researchers surveyed nearly 280,000 children aged 11, 13, and 15 across 44 countries and found that the percentage of young people engaging with social media in a problematic way has risen from 7% in 2018 to 11% in 2022.

The Health Behaviour In School-aged Children (HBSC) study revealed that England, Scotland, and Wales all recorded figures above the average, raising concerns about the impact of digital technology on the mental health and well-being of Europe’s youth. The study’s international co-ordinator, Dr. Jo Inchley, highlighted that problematic social media use is most common among 13-year-olds, with girls more likely to report issues than boys.

The report also highlighted the amount of time young people spend online, with over a third of adolescents reporting continuous online contact with friends and others throughout the day. While not all online time was deemed detrimental, the study found that problematic social media use was associated with addiction-like symptoms, such as neglecting other activities, frequent arguments, lying about usage, and an inability to control use.

In addition to social media, the study also raised concerns about problematic gaming, particularly among boys. In England, 15% of teenagers were considered at risk of problematic gaming, with higher rates of daily play and long gaming sessions reported among 13-year-old boys.

Dr. Hans Henri P Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, emphasized the need for more digital literacy education to help young people develop a healthy approach to online activities. He called for immediate and sustained action to address the potential negative consequences of social media use, including depression, bullying, anxiety, and poor academic performance.

Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the impact of social media and gaming on young people’s well-being, highlighting the importance of promoting healthy online behaviors and supporting adolescents in navigating the digital world.

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