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Google’s profitable advertising technology business faces legal scrutiny

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The US government is gearing up for a major showdown with tech giant Google as a trial begins on Monday to address allegations of illegal monopoly practices in its ad tech business. The Department of Justice is leading the charge, claiming that Google’s parent company Alphabet has unfairly dominated the market, earning over $200 billion last year through ad placements.

Google has defended its position, arguing that its success is a result of the effectiveness of its services. However, prosecutors argue that Google has used its market dominance to stifle competition and innovation, harming consumers in the process.

This trial marks the second major antitrust case Google has faced in the US, following a ruling last year that its dominance in online search was illegal. The outcome of that case has yet to be determined, but the penalties could be significant.

Both sides will present their arguments to US District Judge Leonie Brinkema, who will ultimately decide the verdict. The trial comes on the heels of a recent decision in another monopoly case against Google, where a judge ruled that the company had acted illegally to suppress competition in online search.

Experts believe that the outcome of this trial could have far-reaching implications for the tech industry, as regulators in other countries, such as the UK, are also scrutinizing Google’s ad tech practices. The complexity of the advertising technology sector could pose a challenge for the government to prove its case, but the stakes are high for all parties involved.

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