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Bedfordshire Police bosses defend controversial TV show criticizing Luton

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Bedfordshire Police Chief Constable Trevor Rodenhurst and Police and Crime Commissioner John Tizard are standing firm in their support of the Channel 4 programme 24 Hours in Police Custody, despite calls from Luton Borough Council to end the force’s participation in the show.

The controversial documentary series, which has been on the air for nearly a decade, follows Bedfordshire officers as they investigate crimes in the county, as well as cases from Cambridgeshire and the Eastern Regional Special Operations Unit. However, a leaked draft letter from Luton Borough Council expressed concerns that the show was perpetuating negative stereotypes about the town, fueling what they referred to as “Luton-bashing.”

In response, Chief Constable Rodenhurst and PCC Tizard defended their decision to continue participating in the programme, stating that it plays a crucial role in promoting a positive public perception of the area. They emphasized that the show sends a clear message that criminals will not be able to operate with impunity in Luton or anywhere in Bedfordshire, and highlights their commitment to bringing offenders to justice.

Despite the council’s concerns, the police officials argued that the show also serves as a valuable platform to engage younger audiences and reach victims of crime. They pledged to work with producers to address any negative perceptions of the town and reiterated their belief that 24 Hours in Police Custody makes a positive contribution to policing, transparency, and public understanding of police work.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether Bedfordshire Police will continue their involvement in the programme or if changes will be made to address the concerns raised by Luton Borough Council.

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