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The Hoax of Joe Biden’s Incapacity Unravels: A Closer Look

In recent weeks, the American public has been witness to a spectacle of a hoax unraveling before their very eyes. The narrative surrounding President Joe Biden’s mental acuity has been called into question, with many pointing out signs of cognitive decline that have been evident for years.

Critics of the current administration have not held back in their assessment of Biden’s condition, with some going as far as to suggest that the only way to stop those who are using him for power is if he were to drop dead. The media, once quick to dismiss concerns about Biden’s health, is now backtracking in the face of mounting evidence.

But what does this mean for the future of the Democratic party and the country as a whole? Some have likened the situation to a murder-suicide scenario, with the Democrats acting as hostage negotiators trying to prevent a catastrophic outcome.

As the media struggles to control the narrative, new distractions and hoaxes are likely to emerge. The question remains: if Trump is truly an existential threat, why run a candidate who is clearly not up to the task? And in the event of a crisis, who is really in charge?

While the political landscape may seem chaotic and unpredictable, one thing is clear: the American people must remain vigilant and not be swayed by the media’s attempts to manipulate the truth. The truth may be stranger than fiction, but it is up to us to see through the smoke and mirrors and hold those in power accountable.

In the end, the unraveling of the Biden hoax may just be the beginning of a larger reckoning for the political establishment. Only time will tell what the future holds, but one thing is certain: the American people deserve better than to be deceived and manipulated by those in power.

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