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Aid organizations report that numerous supplies are stuck in southern Gaza due to hazardous conditions preventing their transportation.

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Armed Criminal Gangs Threaten Aid Distribution in Israel-Gaza Border Area

A person involved in the effort to distribute aid in the Israel-Gaza border area has revealed that armed criminal gangs are operating with near-total freedom, attacking aid trucks on a daily basis. These attacks are described as coordinated and organized, not the spontaneous looting by desperate civilians that was seen earlier in the conflict.

The armed attackers shoot at the trucks, force them to stop, and sometimes beat the drivers before stripping the trucks of their contents. The lack of any police presence in the area has made the roads surrounding the crossing highly dangerous, leaving aid workers and drivers vulnerable to these attacks.

The Hamas-run police force that previously helped secure the passage of aid convoys has disappeared after several officers were killed by the Israeli military. This has left aid workers and drivers without anyone to call for help in the event of an attack.

As a result of the insecurity in the area, the number of international aid trucks reaching Palestinians in southern Gaza has plummeted since the start of Israel’s offensive. Aid officials say that only a small amount of aid has been able to trickle through, with the situation worsening as the conflict continues.

In an attempt to make up for the shortfall, Israeli authorities have started allowing more commercial goods to enter Gaza from Israel and the occupied West Bank. These trucks travel with armed protection, making it safer for them to navigate the dangerous terrain.

Despite these efforts, the situation remains dire for aid workers and drivers trying to deliver essential supplies to those in need. The ongoing violence and lack of security in the area continue to pose a significant challenge to the distribution of aid in the region.

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