Pixar fans are in for a treat with the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved film “Inside Out.” In “Inside Out 2,” viewers will follow Riley, voiced by Kensington Tallman, as she navigates the tumultuous waters of puberty, accompanied by new anthropomorphized emotions like Anxiety, voiced by Maya Hawke, and Envy, voiced by Ayo Edebiri.
The film has received rave reviews, with critics praising its ability to capture the essence of the original while introducing fresh and inventive elements. “Inside Out 2” is a nostalgic journey that is sure to delight fans of the first film.
The movie is currently playing in theaters, so be sure to catch it and experience the rollercoaster of emotions with Riley and her new emotional companions. Don’t miss out on this heartwarming and entertaining sequel that is bound to leave a lasting impression on audiences of all ages.