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9 essential hiking safety tips to avoid disaster on the trail

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Female Hiker Dies on Trail in Southern Utah Amid Rising Temperatures

A tragic incident occurred on Sunday near Quail Creek State Park in southern Utah, where a 56-year-old female hiker lost her life due to extreme heat and lack of water. The woman, who remains unidentified, had sent out a distress call before succumbing to the scorching temperatures, which reached 106 degrees Fahrenheit.

This unfortunate event sheds light on the importance of safety protocols while hiking, especially during the hot summer months. Experts emphasize the need for proper preparation before embarking on a hiking trip to avoid similar tragedies.

Here are some key tips shared by outdoor enthusiasts to prevent hiking hazards:

1. Study the hiking area before your trip: Familiarize yourself with maps, landmarks, weather conditions, and local wildlife. Have a backup paper map in case of a lost signal.

2. Set a ‘time plan’ for your hike: Inform someone of your expected time frame and consider linear distance, elevation gain, and daylight hours.

3. Know your limits: Start with easy trails that match your fitness level, take breaks as needed, and stay on the designated path.

4. Maintain a safe distance when hiking: Keep a distance between hikers, yield to others, and be cautious of poisonous vegetation.

5. Prepare for weather conditions: Dress in layers, bring essential gear like a compass and first aid kit, and pack enough water and high-energy foods.

6. Wear comfortable, supportive footwear: Opt for sturdy hiking boots with ankle support and break them in before your trip.

7. Bring along essential equipment: Pack a whistle, flashlight, and first aid kit, and consider taking a wilderness first aid course.

8. Stay fueled and hydrated: Pack lightweight, high-energy foods, leave no trace of food behind, and bring enough water for the duration of your hike.

9. Use caution with cellphones and selfies: Avoid distractions while hiking, use your phone only for emergencies, and stay aware of your surroundings.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared and cautious while enjoying the great outdoors. Stay safe and informed before heading out on your next hiking adventure.

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